

The Unitair solar air heater – now in both steel and aluminum
And still the most economical way to preheat outside air with the sun!

Having gained experience with over hundreds of projects in solar air ventilation and preheating in all types of buildings over the last 15 years, Enerconcept has developed a building-integrated solar heating technology with the highest energy output per dollar invested you could make: the Unitair wall-mounted solar air collector. The Unitair line now includes both the possibility of working with aluminum as well as steel panels.

A brief introduction of our new Unitair aluminum panels


The Unitair Alu perforations are made of dimples instead of drilled holes, allowing the incoming air to be sucked in with greater turbulence for maximum heat transfer.

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Does Unitair apply to your project?

  • Do you have large ventilation requirements?
  • Do you have a long heating season?
  • Are your gas utility rates for heating high?
  • Does your facility feature an appropriate south, southeast, or southwest oriented wall?
  • Does your facility utilize heated air for processes (such as crop drying)? 

If yes, then solar air heating from Enerconcept can help you

Why consider a Unitair wall?

  • Improved air quality (increased air changes)
  • Reduces annual energy consumption
  • Free dehumification of indoor space
  • Reduces annual energy costs
  • Cost effective way to meet code requirements for ventilation
  • Virtually maintenance free
  • Favorable environmental impact
  • Reduces greenhouse gas emissions
  • Potential for LEED credit
  • Favorable investment incentives 

How does Unitair save energy?

  • Active solar heating
  • Recaptures wall heat loss
  • Insulating effect on building inner wall
  • Avoidance of dehumidification costs
  • Utilizes hot, stratified air trapped at ceilings
  • Lowers temperature of air exhausted through the roof
  • Shields inner wall from direct sunlight during summer season 
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