We deliver ready-to-operate, all-included turnkey solar air heating projects!
Enerconcept: From Hot Air Solar Collectors to Complete Solutions
We are not just a hot air solar collector manufacturer or distributor. If you own a building where you want to deal with one specialist to deliver a complete solution, Enerconcept offers turnkey solutions which include collector installation, ductwork, controls and monitoring.
Main steps of a solar air heating project
- Defining customer needs
- Design of the solar air heating system within building architecture and existing heating and ventilation system
- Complete budget proposal to customer including costs, delivery time frame, available financial incentives, energy savings calculations et return on investment (payback)
- Confirmation of financial incentives where applicable
- Supply and installation of solar air heating panels
- Installation of ventilation equipment, ductwork and controls
- Complete technical assistance to receive available financial incentives
- Final operation and service report
Optional :
- Installation of monitoring equipment to display system performance at all times
- Analysis and annual reporting of energy savings

Defining customer needs is key to the successful implementation of any solar air heating project. Typically, required air flows within the building are established, as well as heating loads and the required control stategy.
Once the needs are clearly established, designing the hot air solar HVAC system is done by taking into account the existing ventilation system, the building’s heating load and the available wall surfaces or roof areas to mount the hot air solar collectors.
A complete proposal is then handed to the customer, including the following items:
- Overall budget costs and preliminary time table
- Calculation of applicable susbsidies and/or governement incentives for the project
- Energy analysis using software from NRCan to assess yearly thermal energy ouput from the solar air heating system
- Economic analysis, payback period calculation and net present value of the project

Confirmation of incentives is often an important step prior to starting installation work of your hot air solar system. Enerconcept takes care of filling out the appropriate forms, leaving you only with a final signature, and follows up with the respective authorities for a smoth unfolding of the approval process.
Once financial incentives have been approved and confirmed, construction and installation of the solar air heating system may begin. Enerconcept directs the work of its skilled and trained installation teams. On a typical project, up to three qualified teams take part in the installation work of your solar air heating system:
- one contractor specialized in metal cladding
- one contractor for ductwork and ventilation
- one contractor in automation and controls

When installation is over and commissioning done, Enerconcept will assist you with the incentives by issuing a proper service report, stamped by an engineer, and provide required authenticity or conformity reports.
As an option, we can install a monitoring and data acquisition system for you, so you can at any time visualize the thermal output of your solar air heating system from Enerconcept. Comfortably sitting in front of your computer, you will be able to assess the performance of your system. Typically, you will see on your screen the following values, either in tabulated or graphic form:
- ambient outside temperature
- temperature of the solar heated air
- working state of the ventilation system
- opening (in %), of each damper
Of course it is possible to add more reading points if desired, for instance incident solar irradiance, room temperatures, air temperatures in ducts, etc.
If monitoring equipment is in place, Enerconcept can also offer you an additional option and generate an annual energy savings report over the entire heating season. This report will include:
- Daily temperature rise graphs
- Monthly energy output of the solar air heating system
- Confirmed monetary savings achieved over the heating season
Calculation of greenhouse gas emissions reductions.